Fanno Creek Trail Improvements at Scholls Ferry Road

  • Opens 7/7/2021
  • Closes 7/21/2021
  • Status Results Posted

Sealed written bids for construction of the Fanno Creek Trail Improvements at Scholls Ferry Road, Project No. 7097 (Project) will be received by Rachael Caravone, Operations Coordinator, electronically via Bid Locker at until the bid closing deadline of 2:00 p.m., July 22, 2021, after which time bids will not be received. Before bidders can submit their bids, they will need to register with Bid Locker at There is no cost to register. District will not accept bids by facsimile or email.l.

Upon bid closing, District will publicly open and read aloud by telephone conference all bids received by District. Bidders can attend the opening by calling the telephone conference number (503) 681-4497.

Bidders must submit their First-Tier Subcontractor Disclosure Form to the same Bid Locker location within two working hours of the bid closing time (Deadline). District will reject any bid received that does not have a First-Tier Subcontractor Disclosure Form submitted by the Deadline.

The Project consists of the following work: Replacing and raising a portion of a recreational trail immediately adjacent to Fanno Creek and beneath the SW Scholls Ferry Road bridge over Fanno Creek. The work consists of providing labor, materials, and equipment to remove an existing path, concrete slope paving and chain link fence; constructing a new concrete walk and curb, reinforced concrete wall and sidewalk, chain link fence; placing river rock on streambank; and installing permanent safety signage and rumble strips.

The pre-bid conference will be held virtually on July 9, 2021 at 3:30 p.m. using this Microsoft Teams Link: Microsoft Teams Pre-bid Meeting. All bidders must attend this meeting. Representations and statements made by District representatives at the pre-bid conference are not binding on District unless confirmed in writing. District reserves the right to reject the bid of any bidder who fails to attend the meeting

The Contract Documents may be downloaded from District’s website at You will need to sign in to download the documents and that information will be accumulated for a Bid Holder’s List. Bidder’s email will be used to send automatic notifications when District posts a new document or changes information related to this solicitation. Bidders are responsible for obtaining any Addenda from District’s Website or by using any links provided in the automatic emails from District.

Bids and inquiries should be directed to Matthew Brennan, P.E., Project Manager,, (503) 503-681-3682. Bids must be made upon the bid form found in the Contract Documents, and must be accompanied by a copy of a certified check, cashier’s check, an irrevocable letter of credit issued by an insured institution as defined in ORS 706.008, or a bid bond payable to Clean Water Services in an amount not less than 5% of the total amount bid. Bidders must deliver the original of the bid security to District’s office at 2550 S.W. Hillsboro Hwy, Hillsboro, OR 97123 in a sealed envelope with the following notation: “Bid Security for Fanno Creek Trail Improvements at Scholls Ferry Road and Project No. 7097” within five business days after the Deadline or District may declare the bid nonresponsive.

Each bidder must be licensed by the Oregon Construction Contractors Board (or, for landscaping projects, licensed by the Oregon Landscape Contractors Board). Prevailing wage rates must be paid by bidder and any subcontractor on the Project in accordance with ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870. Each bid must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined by ORS 279A.120. Bidders need not be licensed under ORS 468A.720 (regarding licensing of contractors on projects involving asbestos abatement). District will not receive or consider any bid that is not in compliance with the Instructions to Bidders and the Contract Documents. Bidders and any subcontractors will be required to have a public works bond filed with the Construction Contractors Board before starting work on the Project unless there is an applicable exemption under ORS 279C.836(4), (7), (8) or (9).

District may cancel this procurement or reject any bid that does not comply with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, including the requirement to demonstrate the bidder’s responsibility under ORS 279C.375(3)(b), and District may reject for good cause all bids after finding that doing so is in the public interest.

This package cannot be requested

This solicitation has closed. Thank you for your interest!

Bid Results

Name Type Size Date
Fanno-Scholls Log, Verified Result.pdf Result 103.0 KB 7/26/2021
Clean Water Waterfall

Enhancing the environment and quality of life in the Tualatin River Watershed through visionary and collaborative management of water resources in partnership with others.

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