North Hillsboro Industrial Pump Station Proj. 6903

  • Opens 3/1/2021
  • Closes 3/31/2021
  • Status Results Posted

Sealed Bids for construction of the North Hillsboro Industrial Pump Station Project No. 6903 (Project) will be accepted by Michelle Mann, Program Support Specialist, electronically via Bid Locker until 2:00 p.m., local time, on REVISED PER ADDENDUM NO. 3: Wednesday, March 31, 2021. Any Bids received after the specified time will not be considered. Before Bidders can submit their Bids, they will need to register with Bid Locker at There is no cost to register. First-Tier Subcontractor Disclosure Forms must be delivered to the same location at or before 4:00 p.m. local time on the same day (Deadline). If Bidder fails to submit a disclosure form with the information required by the stated Deadline, the Bid will be deemed nonresponsive and will not be considered. Owner will not accept Bids by facsimile or email. Bids will be publicly opened and read aloud by telephone conference at 2:00 p.m. local time on March 31, 2021. Bidders can attend the opening by calling the telephone conference number (503) 681-4499. Contractor shall complete the work as specified or indicated in Owner’s Contract Documents for the Project. The Project contemplated consists of the work described below (collectively, Work). 1. North Hillsboro Pump Station: a. Construct a 12-foot diameter wet well with two 60-horsepower submersible pumps; b. Construct 8-inch diameter buried and above grade ductile iron piping and valves for two pumps including a flow meter on the above grade pipe header; c. Furnish and install three air release valves on the above grade pump station piping including drain piping back to the wet well; d. Construct a utility shelter to cover the electrical equipment; e. Furnish and install a 150-kilowatt (kw) permanent, standby generator with a base fuel tank and sound attenuation; f. Construct approximately 40-feet of 8-inch diameter ductile iron force main on the pump station site, with pipe and valves for a bypass assembly; g. Construct approximately 55-feet of 10-inch diameter HDPE force main on the pump station site; h. Construct a six-foot diameter bypass pumping manhole with approximately 90 feet of 30-inch diameter PVC gravity sanitary sewer on-site; i. Construct Site improvements, including earthwork, fencing, paving, and landscaping; j. Perform associated site, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation work. k. Install a water quality facility and a storm water outfall that extends outside the pump station Site limits that will be installed within an easement with the City of Hillsboro; and l. Perform startup of the facility. 2. North Hillsboro Pump Station Related Force Mains, Gravity Sewer and Power Conduit: a. Construct approximately 170 feet of 10-inch diameter HDPE force main located within an easement on City of Hillsboro’s private property; b. Construct approximately 160 feet of 20-inch diameter HDPE force main located within an easement on City of Hillsboro’s private property; c. Construct approximately 305 feet of 4-inch diameter PVC power conduit located within an easement on City of Hillsboro’s private property; d. Construct approximately 270 feet of 10-inch diameter HDPE force main with an easement on private property located in Washington County; e. Construct approximately 280 feet of 20-inch diameter HDPE force main located within an easement on private property located in Washington County; f. Construct approximately 195 feet of 4-inch diameter PVC power conduit located within an easement on private property located in Washington County; g. Construct approximately 235 feet of 4-inch diameter HDPE power conduit installed via Horizontal Directional Drilling, with a portion being installed within an easement on private property in Washington County and a portion being installed within a City of Hillsboro easement. h. Construct jacking and receiving pits for trenchless work; i. Construct approximately 105 feet of 42” steel casing pipe installed via trenchless methods with both the 10-inch and 20-inch HDPE force main carrier pipes, located within a City of Hillsboro easement; j. Construct approximately 105 feet of 42” steel casing pipe installed via trenchless methods with 24-inch PVC gravity sewer carrier pipe, located within a City of Hillsboro easement; k. Construct approximately 115 feet of 10-inch diameter HDPE force main, located within City of Hillsboro easement, and connect to 10-inch diameter HDPE force main previously installed by the City of Hillsboro; l. Construct approximately 115 feet of 20-inch diameter HDPE force main, located within City of Hillsboro easement, and install a blind flange cap for extension of the force main in the future; m. Perform site restoration, erosion and sediment control, and other associated work; and n. Remove and dispose of any contaminated soils as identified on the Drawings. 3. North Hillsboro Pump Station Access Road: a. Construct approximately 600-foot long access road from Sewell Ave to the pump station site located within an easement on City of Hillsboro’s private property. Access road to be to be pervious pavement; The Work Site is located at 5832 NE Sewell Avenue, Hillsboro, OR (Site). The Work is a public works project subject to ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870. The estimated construction cost of the Work is $3,250,000. The Bidding Documents are entitled “North Hillsboro Pump Station Project No. 6903.” Bidding Documents and Bid Results should be downloaded from the Owner's Website at (Website) under the Project name by completing the section to request the document package on Owner’s Website. Prospective Bidder’s information will be accumulated for a Bid Holders list, which is available on the Website and the Prospective Bidder’s email will be used to send automatic notifications when Owner posts a new document or changes information related to this solicitation. Prospective Bidders are responsible for obtaining any Addenda from either Owner's Website under the Project name or by using the links provided in automatic emails that come from the Owner. If problems are experienced downloading the Bidding Documents, please contact Michelle Mann at (503) 547-8035. Each Bid must be submitted on the prescribed Bid Form and accompanied by Bid security as prescribed in the Instructions to Bidders. Bidders must deliver the original of the Bid security to Michelle Mann at the Owner’s office at Rock Creek AWWRF, 3235 SE River Rd, Hillsboro, OR, within five business days after the Deadline or Owner may declare the Bid nonresponsive. The Successful Bidder will be required to furnish the additional bond(s) and insurance prescribed in the Bidding Documents. Prior to submission of its Bid, Bidder shall be registered with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board. The Work does not involve asbestos, so the requirements of ORS 468A.700 through 468A.760 shall not apply. Bidders must be qualified in accordance with the applicable parts of ORS 279C in order to submit a Bid for public work in Oregon. To address technical issues, contact the Engineer: Eddie Kreipe, Murraysmith, Inc., (503) 225 9010, Prospective Bidders are encouraged to attend a prebid conference and Site visit that will begin at 1:00 p.m. local time on Thursday, March 11, 2021 and last approximately two hours. The prebid conference will be held at the Rock Creek AWWRF Engineering Building at 3235 SE River Road, Hillsboro, OR 97123 and will be immediately followed by a Site visit. Representatives of Owner and Engineer will be present to discuss the Project. Attendees will be required to wear masts and practice social distancing while on Clean Water Services property. Owner reserves its right to reject all Bids or any Bid not conforming to the intent and purpose of the Bidding Documents.

This package cannot be requested

This solicitation has closed. Thank you for your interest!

Bid Results

Name Type Size Date
6903 Unverified Results.pdf Result 100.1 KB 3/31/2021
6903 NOITA.pdf Intent To Award 102.3 KB 4/7/2021
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