Rock Creek IPS Medium Voltage VFD No. 3 Replacement Project No. 7085-Equipment Pre-Purchase

  • Opens 1/22/2021
  • Closes 2/2/2021
  • Status Results Posted

ROCK CREEK IPS MEDIUM VOLTAGE VFD NO. 3 REPLACEMENT PROJECT NO.7085 EQUIPMENT PRE-PURCHASE Clean Water Services (District) has determined it needs a new medium voltage variable frequency drive (VFD) to replace existing unit at the Rock Creek IPS, located at 3235 SE River Road, Hillsboro, Oregon 97132 (Rock Creek AWWTF). The new medium voltage VFD shall consist of the medium voltage interrupted switch, input contactor, phase-shift transformer, inverter and associated controls, and overall dimensions of the new VFD shall fit within existing limited space as described in the attached specifications. This Invitation for Bids (ITB) is to request bids for the purchase of the following equipment and services: Supply and deliver new medium voltage VFD which consisted of the medium voltage interrupted switch, input contactor, phase-shift transformer, inverter and associated controls, and overall dimensions of the new VFD shall fit within existing limited space as specified herein and all of the attached supporting specifications and documents (collectively, Goods), and perform related commissioning and startup services consists of motor control centers, field inspections, certify proper installation, and training of District personnel (collectively, Services). A single manufacturer shall be responsible for supplying the described equipment with all accessories and appurtenances including, but not necessarily limited to parameter setting software. District will enter into a separate contract with a contractor to install the Goods (Installing Contractor). Interested Bidders must electronically submit bids to Michelle Mann, Program Support Specialist, via Equity Hub’s Bid Locker at, which will be accepted until 2:00 p.m. (local time), on February 2, 2021. Before Bidders can submit their Bids, they will need to register with Bid Locker at There is no cost to register. Late bids will not be accepted or considered. No paper, telephonic, email or facsimile bid submissions will be accepted. Goods must be delivered to the Rock Creek AWWTF no later than June 25, 2021. District will enter into a separate contract with a contractor to install the Goods (Installing Contractor). The successful bidder will be responsible for coordinating with the Installing Contractor during installation, start-up, commissioning and training to ensure substantial completion of the Services by July 30, 2021 and final completion by August 31, 2021. Bidders may download an electronic copy of the Bidding Documents from Owner’s Open Solicitations website at (Website). A prospective Bidder’s information will be accumulated for a Bid Holder’s List, and Bidder’s email will be used to send notifications when Owner posts a new document or changes information related to this ITB, including bid results. Prospective Bidders are responsible for obtaining any Addenda from the Website or using the links provided in emails. If problems are experienced downloading the Bidding Documents, please contact Michelle Mann at 503.547.8035 or All bids must contain a statement as to whether the bidder is a resident bidder, as defined in ORS 279A.120. This Contract is not subject to Oregon prevailing wage requirements or federal Davis-Bacon Act requirements. The public contract to be awarded does not involve asbestos abatement work, and vendors bidding on this public contract are not required to be licensed with the Department of Environmental Quality pursuant to ORS 468A.710. For assistance with administrative issues, contact the Owner: Clean Water Services Michelle Mann 3235 SE River Road, Hillsboro, OR 97123 503-547-8035 Direct communications on technical issues, contact the Engineer: Landis Consulting Ben Perry 5335 SW Meadows Rd, Lake Oswego, OR 97035 503-584-1576 Successful Bidder will be required to furnish the Bond prescribed in Bidding Documents. Owner reserves the right to cancel this solicitation or reject any or all Bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements or when Owner finds that the Bidder is not responsible as that term is used in any applicable Owner’s Purchasing Rules and ORS 279A.010(1)(r). Owner may reject for good cause any or all Bid upon a finding by Owner that it is in the public interest to do so.

This package cannot be requested

This solicitation has closed. Thank you for your interest!

Bid Results

Name Type Size Date
7085 Unverified Results.pdf Result 194.8 KB 2/4/2021
Clean Water Waterfall

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