Public/Private Partnership for the Expansion of Water Resource Recovery Facility Digester Capacity and Solids Treatment
- Opens 9/4/2020
- Closes 11/19/2020
- Status Closed
With this Request for Information (RFI), Clean Water Services (District) seeks to evaluate public-private partnership options for: 1) the expansion of digester capacity at its two largest water resource recovery facilities; and 2) treatment of the solids produced by its two smaller water resource recovery facilities, which do not currently process solids, and possibly treatment of a portion of the solids produced by its two largest wastewater treatment facilities. Information submitted by respondents will inform District’s decision making regarding these projects.
This RFI is a tool for identifying the level of project developer interest and to gain a sense of what a public-private partnership arrangement for the planned projects could look like. The selection of a developer for a project, if it occurs, will require an additional process, which could include direct negotiation, requests for additional information, a competitive selection process, or any combination of these.
TO OBTAIN RFI DOCUMENTS: Interested Private Partners may download an electronic copy of the RFI Documents by completing the section to request the document package on Owner’s website at (Website) under the Solicitation Title. A prospective Private Partner’s information will be accumulated for a Plan Holder’s List, which is available on the Website, and Partner’s email will be used to send automatic notifications when Owner posts a new document or changes information related to this solicitation. Prospective Partners are responsible for obtaining any Addenda from either Owner’s Website under the Solicitation Title or by using any links provided in automatic emails that may come from the Owner. Prospective Partners may subscribe to Owner's Open Solicitations RSS feed at the same Website address and will be notified when an Addendum to or clarifications of the RFI Documents have been posted. If problems are experienced downloading the RFI Documents, please contact Michelle Mann at 503.547.8035.
All questions regarding submittal requirements or District’s facilities should be submitted by phone or email as follows:
Bruce Cordon
Business Opportunities Manager
Clean Water Services
Phone: (503) 547-8135
District would like to receive all information by 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 12, 2020 (CHANGED PER 3RD ADDENDUM). Please contact Bruce Cordon prior to the deadline if you anticipate sending the information after this date.