Request for Qualifications for Cedar Mill Creek Sanitary and Regional Stormwater Management Approach Project No. 6882

  • Opens 8/31/2020
  • Closes 9/18/2020
  • Status Results Posted

**Special Note Updated: Request for Qualification documents, except for the Project Documents referenced in Attachment B, are now available for download.

Sealed Statements of Qualifications (SOQ) for Construction Manager/General Contractor (CM/GC) services for Clean Water Services’ (District) Cedar Mill Creek Sanitary and Regional Stormwater Management Approach Project No. 6882 (Project) will be electronically received from Respondents by Heather Speight, Program Support Specialist, via Equity Hub’s Bid Locker at (Bid Locker) until 2:00 P.M. local time, on September 18, 2020. Before Respondents can submit their SOQ, they will need to sign up with Bid Locker at There is no cost to register. SOQs will not be accepted after the specified time and date. No facsimile or emailed SOQs will be accepted. The SOQs will not be publicly opened or read aloud.
District is seeking SOQs from CM/GC Contractors with demonstrated experience in CM/GC project delivery to replace a live large-diameter sanitary sewer trunk within natural resource areas with limited access, seasonal time constraints and high level of public interaction. In addition to the sanitary sewer replacement, the SOQ shall demonstrate the CM/GC Contractor’s experience with stream and ecological restoration. A brief summary of work for each phase is provided in the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) and a more detailed description will be included in the draft CM/GC Contract included in the Request for Proposals (RFP). Generally the Project includes the following components:
1. Fell trees only during non-nesting season (prior to March 1, 2021) prior to construction to minimize impacts to birds. 2. Partial temporary widening of 170th for construction access. 3. Install approximately 4,500 linear feet of new 48-inch sanitary sewer, parallel to the existing live line. Tie existing flows into new line upon completing and abandoning the existing line in place. Construction will include multiple stream crossings, tunneling under the light rail line and a bridge. 4. Replace and relocate multiple boardwalks throughout the Project area. Closure of trails and boardwalks due to construction must be sequenced to minimize impacts to park users. 5. Stream bank and floodplain restoration, including stream bank repair, placement of large woody debris, and channel creation.
The estimated construction cost of the Project is $8 to 10 million. District wishes to hire the CM/GC to benefit from, among other things, the CM/GC’s assistance in Project planning. Services will be provided in two phases: Preconstruction Phase Services, and Construction Phase Services as described in the RFQ. District intends to negotiate the price for each phase separately. Preconstruction Phase Services are anticipated to occur this fall and winter with Construction Phase Services to start in early 2021, although the majority of the work can only be completed during the in-water work period. The CM/GC will provide preconstruction services throughout the design of the Project. At the completion of the design, or at any point in the preconstruction phase, prior to the completion of design, as requested by District, the CM/GC will be required to provide a proposed Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) to act as the CM/GC for the construction and assume the risk of delivering the Project on schedule at or under the GMP. Issuance of a GMP Amendment by District and Notice to Proceed will initiate the construction phase, which will include construction of the Project.
The RFQ may be downloaded from the District’s website at (Solicitation Page). Prospective Respondents will need to sign in and provide certain information to download the RFQ. Information provided will be accumulated for a Bid Holder’s List and a Respondent’s email will be used to send automatic emails alerting Respondents when a change to the RFQ or a RFQ document is posted. Prospective Respondents are responsible for obtaining any Addenda from District’s Solicitation Page or by clicking on the link provided in an automatic email from District. If you experience problems downloading the RFQ or wish to make arrangements to view a copy of the RFQ or ask any questions regarding document distribution, Respondents may contact Heather Speight, whose information is provided below.
District is using a multi-step selection process:
1. Step 1 (RFQ/SOQ/Shortlisting): District will issue a RFQ, and after reviewing and scoring the SOQs, anticipates short-listing three Respondents who will then advance to Step Two of the procurement. The SOQ requirements, detailed procurement process description, Schedule, and evaluation criteria are in the RFQ. 2. Step 2 (RFP/Interview/Selection): District intends to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to the shortlisted Respondents. The RFP process incudes submitting a proposal and attending an interview. Further details of the Step 2 process will be in the RFP.
Direct communications on administrative issues, such as viewing and obtaining the RFQ and the Bid Holder’s List, to:
Clean Water Services
Heather Speight
2550 SW Hillsboro Hwy.
(503) 681-5109

Direct communications on all other issues relating to this RFQ to the District Representative:
Mark Anderson, P.E. Jacobs
2020 SW Fourth Avenue
Portland, OR 97201
(503) 872-4700

Prior to submitting its SOQ, Respondents shall be licensed with the Oregon Construction Contractors Board as required by ORS 701, and thereafter comply with the requirements of ORS chapter 701 with respect to licensing. Prevailing wage rates must be paid by Respondents and any subcontractor on the Project in accordance with ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870. Respondents need not be licensed under ORS 468A.710 (regarding licensing of contractors on projects involving asbestos abatement).
Respondents and subcontractors will be required to have a public works bond filed with the Construction Contractors Board before starting work on the Project unless there is an applicable exemption under ORS 279C.836(4), (7), (8), or (9).
Respondents shall be qualified in accordance with the applicable provisions of ORS chapters 279A and 279C in order to submit a proposal for public work in Oregon. District reserves the right to cancel this solicitation or reject any SOQ or proposal that does not comply with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, including the requirement to demonstrate the Respondent’s responsibility under ORS 279C.375(3)(b) as that term is used in any applicable District’s Purchasing Rules and ORS 279A.010(1)(r). District may reject any SOQ or proposal in accordance with ORS 279C.395 and all SOQs or proposals for good cause after finding that it is in the public interest to do so.

This package cannot be requested

This solicitation has closed. Thank you for your interest!

Bid Results

Name Type Size Date
6882 Notice of Intent to Interview.pdf Result 96.4 KB 9/23/2020
6882 Intent to Award.pdf Intent To Award 63.0 KB 12/11/2020
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